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#241 Futura12



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Posted 23 May 2015 - 19:22

No dai, per i 4.9 sul 2500k ho inserito anche 3 voltaggi a mano...


Scusa nevio, troppo difficile. :trollface:


Comunque a 4.5Ghz ci va a core default.

Intel Core i7 2600k @4.5Ghz 1.24v cooled by Mugen II - AsRock Z68 Ex3 Gen3 - 16Gb Corsair L.P White  -Amd Radeon 6950 2Gb@1536SP -EnermaxPro82+ 525w & CM690- 4Tb Storage with 150Gb Raid0 & ForceGT 120Gb - Asus VE276Q 27''