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[Official thread] Ps4

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#1281 G-DannY



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Inviato 16 agosto 2014 - 13:20

io aspetto evil within e il nuovo fifa che promette bene :megusta:

i gioconi masterreisssss me li gioco su pc :megusta:


guacamelee :yuno:

#1282 nevione



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Inviato 16 agosto 2014 - 13:54

ah, gia', indago...

Don't try...

#1283 Killer application

Killer application


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Inviato 16 agosto 2014 - 15:27

>Project CARS is coming to PC, PS4 and Xbox One in November, and the good folks at Slightly Mad Studios are working hard to optimize the game.

>Today I talked with Vehicle Art Manager Jan Frischkorn during a hands-on presentation, and he mentioned that the PS4 version is quite stable at 60 frames per second already, while the Xbox One version still didn’t reach that goal, which is why the game is currently being shown only on PS4. Of course that’s just the current condition, and the team is still working to achieve the frame rate goal on both consoles.

>Frischkorn confirmed that the PS4 has a power advantage over the rival, and mentioned that it definitely makes things easier for developers. As a matter of fact, the team was surprised by how well the game ran on Sony’s new console from the beginning.

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#1284 Killer application

Killer application


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Inviato 17 agosto 2014 - 13:33

Head of Sony Online Entertainment Refers to PS4 Players as "Console Peasants" at Planetside 2 Event @ 3m22s



Messaggio modificato da Killer application il 17 agosto 2014 - 13:33

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#1285 Futura12



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Inviato 17 agosto 2014 - 13:59

Intanto dal 2004 una grafica nettamente superiore :asd:


Intel Core i7 2600k @4.5Ghz 1.24v cooled by Mugen II - AsRock Z68 Ex3 Gen3 - 16Gb Corsair L.P White  -Amd Radeon 6950 2Gb@1536SP -EnermaxPro82+ 525w & CM690- 4Tb Storage with 150Gb Raid0 & ForceGT 120Gb - Asus VE276Q 27''

#1286 G-DannY



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Inviato 19 agosto 2014 - 09:19

ah, gia', indago...



#1287 Killer application

Killer application


  • 11.918 Messaggi:

Inviato 19 agosto 2014 - 18:24


Sony Doesn't Understand Just Who The Heck Is Buying All Those PS4s


Sony has sold 10 million PlayStation 4s. They don't know why. It just kinda happened. Sales appearing from the ether—that sort of thing.

Here's Sony's Shuhei Yoshida speaking in an extensive Eurogamer interview (emphasis mine):

The 10m sell through in the first nine months is well beyond what we had hoped for. As you know, we have struggled to keep up with demand of PS4 for so many months. It was hard to find and purchase PS4. Now we are able to supply units so in every territory I believe you can find PS4. So we just managed to catch up with demand.

It's just beyond our imagination. We are so happy. But I for one am a bit nervous because we do not completely understand what's happening. You need to understand why your products are selling well so you can plan for the future, right? It defied the conventional thinking. Lots of people thought the dedicated game hardware might not be needed going forward, but still lots of people are very excited. When you see the new games coming out and being announced this E3 and Gamescom, I think there's a good enough reason for a gamer to believe this is something worth investing in.

It's a fascinating concern. Yoshida goes on to add that their marketing data shows a high percentage of current PS4 buyers didn't actually own PS3s—or, really, any last-gen hardware. This would imply that those people weren't big console gamers until the fourth PlayStation came out last November.

So where the heck did all of these new PlayStation fans come from?

As soon as we see a great sales number, our instinct tells us we should be concerned about future sales, right? Are we exhausting all the core gamers? If we sell this number of units, there are no more consumers we can sell to. That's a really terrifying prospect. So we want to understand who are these consumers who we do not necessarily consider core gamers, who are purchasing PS4 and why they are doing it and what they are doing with PS4, so we can create a bit more of a positive future, rather than saying, wow, we have sold to every single core gamer. So that's what we are doing.

Help Sony out, folks. If you bought a PS4, tell us who you are. Are you a PC gamer who converted to the console faith? Are you a longtime PlayStation fan? Did you skip a console generation or two? Are you a brand new gamer? Were you summoned to this earth for the purpose of bolstering Sony's sales, a mythical PlayStation fairy conjured up to participate in bloody console warfare? Let us know.2

(Check out the full Eurogamer interview for more from Yoshida.)

Messaggio modificato da Killer application il 19 agosto 2014 - 18:24

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#1288 willy_revenge



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Inviato 19 agosto 2014 - 18:26

ps1>ps2>ps3>ps4 here



#1289 entanglement



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Inviato 19 agosto 2014 - 18:52

Ps1-ps2-psp here

E xbox360 asservito a forza motorsport senza soluzione di continuità :sisi:

Quindi non conta :nono:

Messaggio modificato da entanglement il 20 agosto 2014 - 00:00

Un ingegnere non saprebbe riprodursi nemmeno col manuale di istruzioni. Infatti rapiscono bambini e li educano come ingegneri pur di perpetuare questa infermità.


in God we trust, all others must bring data (cit.)

When Henry Ford made cheap, reliable cars people said, "Nah, what's wrong with a horse?" That was a huge bet he made, and it worked (Cit.)

#1290 balint



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Inviato 19 agosto 2014 - 19:25

nes > ..................... > ps3 here


c'è stato un salto dai 5 ai 22 anni nel mondo dei videogiochi

#1291 Sgobbone



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Inviato 19 agosto 2014 - 19:29

sega mega drive, faggot


dimmelo tu, cosa dovevo fare...
forse chissà, forse potrei cambiare...

#1292 willy_revenge



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Inviato 19 agosto 2014 - 19:29



#1293 johancruijff


    Paccaro di Merda

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Inviato 19 agosto 2014 - 19:29

Non ti sei perso nulla dai

Bisogna prenderci come siamo, gente rimasta di confine (a quale stato o nazione? O, forse, a quale tempo?), con una sola morale: il lavoro.



#1294 Sgobbone



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Inviato 19 agosto 2014 - 19:37

master race-->ps1-->xbox(regalo, mai usata)-->master race qui

12 --> 24




ad eccezione di poca roba su pc, gta principalmente. e le partitelle sporadiche a pes a casa di amici

Messaggio modificato da Sgobbone il 19 agosto 2014 - 19:37


dimmelo tu, cosa dovevo fare...
forse chissà, forse potrei cambiare...

#1295 G-DannY



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Inviato 19 agosto 2014 - 19:40

MASTER RACE da 15 a 30 then x360 e poi xone


ora basta pc

#1296 willy_revenge



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Inviato 19 agosto 2014 - 19:53

Anche io ho avuto la fase master race, passata in automatico verso i 17 consequenzialmente alla scoperta della vagina


#1297 Sgobbone



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Inviato 19 agosto 2014 - 20:05

si parlava di vuoti videoludici però


dimmelo tu, cosa dovevo fare...
forse chissà, forse potrei cambiare...

#1298 Futura12



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Inviato 19 agosto 2014 - 20:13

Non ho vuoti videoludici dai 6 anni in poi quando ho ricevuto il primo master race :megusta:

Intel Core i7 2600k @4.5Ghz 1.24v cooled by Mugen II - AsRock Z68 Ex3 Gen3 - 16Gb Corsair L.P White  -Amd Radeon 6950 2Gb@1536SP -EnermaxPro82+ 525w & CM690- 4Tb Storage with 150Gb Raid0 & ForceGT 120Gb - Asus VE276Q 27''

#1299 johancruijff


    Paccaro di Merda

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Inviato 19 agosto 2014 - 20:19


Con il PC sempre giocato, il primo era un MSX di non so quale marca

Bisogna prenderci come siamo, gente rimasta di confine (a quale stato o nazione? O, forse, a quale tempo?), con una sola morale: il lavoro.



#1300 balint



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Inviato 19 agosto 2014 - 20:42

vi ho scherzato comunque, per certi versi sono stato anche io nella master race fino a qualche anno fa, solo che giocavo a un mmorpg del 1997 :wink:

Messaggio modificato da balint il 19 agosto 2014 - 20:43