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[elliofaggata a caso] New XBOX May 21st 19:00

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#1381 G-DannY



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Inviato 17 gennaio 2014 - 09:52


poi avrà anche i bot a giro per le mini mappe per far fare qualche kill anche ai nabbi di turno! :lol:


Attenderò di vederlo prima di trarre conclusioni :wink:

#1382 Killer application

Killer application


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Inviato 17 gennaio 2014 - 20:25

Finito ieri Ryse. Davvero bello e best grafica mai vista finora.

Un po' troppi qte sulle combo per quanto mi riguarda, ma nulla di diverso dai vari best voted Batman AC/AA/AO come sistema di combattimento, ossia più che buono.

Also certe scene e passaggi esecuzione da oscar dello splatter :zortan:

Unico vero titolo Next gen come grafica finora (si, ho provato anche ps4)


difficile non finire ryse, visto che si puo finire anche senza toccare il pad.


L'unica cosa difficile di quel gioco è supportare ore di button smashing senza senso.

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#1383 G-DannY



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Inviato 17 gennaio 2014 - 21:10

difficile non finire ryse, visto che si puo finire anche senza toccare il pad.

L'unica cosa difficile di quel gioco è supportare ore di button smashing senza senso.

Fake. Se non tocchi il pad muori dopo 10s dall'inizio.

Corto, questo si, ma intenso.

E ho megustato moltissimo certe sequenze di esecuzioni che ho fatto :megusta:

#1384 Killer application

Killer application


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Inviato 17 gennaio 2014 - 21:12

Ryse: Discount Bin Edition

Well, here she is, /v/. The final nail in the coffin.

>After a painfully generic story intro, the game began teaching me similarly uninspired combat mechanics. While it tries to sound like an in-depth action game with familiar elements like perfectly-timed blocks and focus meters, the actual experience is anything but deep.

>It’s so basic and predictable, I began testing to see if I could get past most combat situations with one hand.

>What I didn’t expect was a desire to get up and leave the demo about ten minutes in. I stuck it out in hopes that it would prove itself a deeper experience over time, but its only success was ensuring my wallet will be $60 heavier when the Xbox One launches.




A lot of the talk about Ryse has centered around combat and how it makes use of button prompts to finish of enemies.

"We have this concept we call mashing to mastery. The idea is that anyone can play it and they can mash the buttons and fight, but if you get the right timing you're able to actually master it.




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#1385 G-DannY



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Inviato 17 gennaio 2014 - 21:16

Fake. Da metà gioco in poi se premi a caso sei morto, non fai danno ai nemici che si parano sempre ed è necessario qteare per rompere le guardie, se sbagli il tempo prendi danno.

Continua a dar retta alle recensioni mi raccomando invece di ascoltare chi il gioco c'è l'ha e l'ha giocato :wink:

#1386 G-DannY



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Inviato 17 gennaio 2014 - 21:18

Also solo le esecuzioni sono guidate sul rallenty e "impossibili da fallire". Ma meno le fai col tempo giusto, meno exp prendi e meno cresci le abilità del personaggio, rendendo il gioco difficilissimo più avanti.

Il resto del combattimento non è niente di diverso dai vari Batman come ho già detto.

Mi raccomando, continua a fidarti di quelle 2-3 recensioni :wink:

#1387 G-DannY



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Inviato 17 gennaio 2014 - 21:20

Also recensioni sulla demo :lol: il vero gioco comincia dal capitolo 3

#1388 Killer application

Killer application


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Inviato 17 gennaio 2014 - 21:21


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#1389 G-DannY



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Inviato 17 gennaio 2014 - 21:38


#1390 Killer application

Killer application


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Inviato 31 gennaio 2014 - 14:22

Xbox 360 Emulator For PC Confirmed! Development Going Well, Devs Say AMD Mantle Release Will Make Emulation Easier!

By Staff Writer | Jan 30, 2014 11:51 AM EST


While there is no good original Xbox emulator out right now, it seems that an Xbox 360 emulator has been in development and it is possible we will be seeing a rapid increase in development soon.

Since the Xbox One doesn't allow you play your old Xbox 360 games since it lacks backwards compatibility, You should be glad to know that a PC may soon be able to play Xbox 360 games via an Xbox 360 emulator!

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According to the lead developer on the Xbox 360 Xenia project, he recently made some promising comments about emulating the seventh generation console from Microsoft on Reddit.

"Author here. Yeah, the readme is meant to scare off people. Even with it I still get people on IRC or email asking me if they can play game X or where they can get a copy. The note about no downloads is for all those who download 360 emulators from shady YouTube links and such - there's a surprising number of fakes packed with malware and viruses floating around.

"Status of the project is that it's coming along well, after a long period of inactivity. Many games get to title screens though don't draw much. I'm really hoping AMD gets its shit together and releases Mantle soon, as that will make emulating the GPU related things significantly easier."

The ability to emulate Xbox 360 games would essentially, and theoretically, mean that PC's would be tapped into being the "all-in-one" media entertainment solution a lot more than Microsoft's own Xbox One. Given that Kinect is completely compatible with PCs right now, meaning that even the motion-based Xbox games could still be played on PC's should the Xbox 360 emulator work. Similar to how the Wii sensor bar was made to work flawlessly on the PC using the emulator "Dolphin"

Full emulation using an Xbox 360 emulator is still not possible though and you'll need a pretty powerful PC for it should it become possible in the future. The whole concept of the team making enough headway to get some games to boot to the title screen while running natively on the emulator is an awesome thing. Maybe the news will get Microsoft to act a bit quicker in offering a solution to Xbox One owners for backwards compatibility.

As of now though PC users can be glad they can emulate a PS1, PS2, N64, Wii, PSP, NDS, DC and more. Thus giving PC gamers a bigger game library compared to console gamers who own only 1 or 2 systems.

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#1391 G-DannY



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Inviato 05 febbraio 2014 - 15:29



#1392 Killer application

Killer application


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Inviato 05 febbraio 2014 - 19:53

tutto sto casino per

The ability to see and manage your storage space.




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#1393 G-DannY



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Inviato 05 febbraio 2014 - 19:58

È una delle tante cose che mancavano e che sono state raggiunte :better:

#1394 G-DannY



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Inviato 05 febbraio 2014 - 19:58

Comunque ammettilo che non sai leggere e comprendere l'inglese. Ti sentirai meglio dopo e sarai una persona migliore :sisi: :wink:

#1395 Killer application

Killer application


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Inviato 05 febbraio 2014 - 20:01

omg l'indicatore della batteria!!=!!=1111



che minchia è... c'è da mettere una notizia su un minor update del cazzo?

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#1396 G-DannY



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Inviato 05 febbraio 2014 - 20:02

Sono entrambi major, non limitarti alla tua scarsa comprensione. Approfondisci, Impara.

#1397 Vento Divino

Vento Divino


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Inviato 05 febbraio 2014 - 20:21


#1398 johancruijff


    Paccaro di Merda

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Inviato 05 febbraio 2014 - 20:22

Immagina, puoi

Bisogna prenderci come siamo, gente rimasta di confine (a quale stato o nazione? O, forse, a quale tempo?), con una sola morale: il lavoro.



#1399 Killer application

Killer application


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Inviato 10 febbraio 2014 - 17:43


Investors want Microsoft’s new CEO to kill Xbox, Bing and Surface


It's the morning after Satya Nadella's first day as Microsoft's CEO. Now that the confetti has cleared, Nadella faces tough choices about the path forward for the company.

Two influential Microsoft shareholders have been pushing the Redmond software giant to abandon what they view as non-essential product lines so that Microsoft can focus on its core strength: selling enterprise software to businesses. Nadella has spent the last seven months running Microsoft's $20 billion server and tools division, so he could be ideally suited to manage that transition.

But doing so would mean repudiating much of the legacy of his predecessors, Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer, who have long believed that Microsoft needs to win over consumers, not just corporate IT managers. As a 22-year Microsoft insider, Nadella owes much of his career to Gates and Ballmer.

Nadella's tenure at Microsoft's helm will be largely defined by how he balances the competing visions of Microsoft's future and the strong personalities who will be pushing those visions in Microsoft's boardroom. Having activist shareholders who are urging Microsoft to rethink its vision could give Nadella an opening to face down his predecessors, if he wants to do so. But it wouldn't be easy.

The business of Microsoft is business?

Ballmer envisioned Microsoft as a "device and services" company and reorganized the company last year to better execute that vision. But now Ballmer is out — though still on the board — and with a new CEO come fresh questions about the fate of consumer tech at Microsoft.

Microsoft's Windows division has been facing shrinking profits; last year, the unit pulled in a net $9.5 billion, down from $11.6 billion in 2012 and $12.3 billion in 2011. Company filings suggest that the drop is largely attributable to declining demand for Windows among consumers, even as sales of Windows to businesses remain strong. The same division also reported a $900 million loss on unsold Surface tablets. The online services division, which oversees search engine Bing, reported a loss of $1.3 billion in 2013 — less than the previous year but still in the red.

Some investors have suggested that Microsoft spin off its money-losing consumer products and focus solely on the enterprise. Even the Xbox deserves to go, Paul Ghaffari, the wealth manager for Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen, said last year.

But Robert Bontempo, a management professor at Columbia Business School, is skeptical that Nadella will be able to chart his own course on the matter. "You're asking for Nadella to walk into a board meeting and look Ballmer and Gates in the eye and say, 'The decisions you've made over the past two decades are a mistake,'" said Bontempo. "That's going to take some serious strength of character."

"There's going to be a lot of tension"

If Nadella does choose to turn more decisively toward business customers, he may find a useful ally in a man named Mason Morfit. Morfit is a 37-year-old activist investor whose employer, the private hedge fund ValueAct, acquired a 0.8 percent stake in Microsoft in August. That was enough to put Morfit on the board.

Morfit was reportedly among those who urged Ballmer to step down. Microsoft denied that ValueAct played any role in the decision, but the way events played out nevertheless reflected on ValueAct's power as a shareholder voice.

More important, ValueAct has been a critic of Microsoft's strategy and — like Ghaffari — wants the company to consider shedding some of its investments in consumer technology. ValueAct also reportedly wants the company to unbundle its offerings, such as Microsoft Office, so that they can be used on other platforms besides Windows.

"Microsoft has historically had a supportive board," said Bontempo. But with the addition of Morfit, Bontempo said, "this is going to be an extremely toxic environment ... There's going to be a lot of tension."

That tension could come in handy for Nadella, who will need political cover to pursue broader changes at the company.

But there are some early signs that Nadella is interested in continuity with his predecessors rather than a radically new strategy. The Indian-born engineer asked — and got — Gates to step away as chairman of the board so that Gates could advise him on products and devices. Whatever Gates's qualifications for this job, it's clear Nadella recognizes his own weaknesses when it comes to consumers. It's also suggestive of Nadella's faith in the "device" part of Microsoft's "device and services" mantra.

Though no longer chairman, Gates will remain on the board of directors. Analysts say the programmer-turned-philanthropist has exerted a strong influence at Microsoft behind the scenes, even as he's kept a  low public profile at the company.

How an enterprise-focused Microsoft can keep in touch

Nadella only hinted at wider changes in a company e-mail Tuesday. "Our industry does not respect tradition," he wrote. "It only respects innovation."

But just because Microsoft could stop producing gadgets doesn't mean it needs to disengage from the public altogether. According to one recent former employee, the company has a wealth of potentially inspiring research that would benefit Microsoft's public image but that's never publicized because the corporate structure discourages such results from trickling out. Many of these projects resemble the kind of work that rivals such as Google routinely turn into conversational hits, if not commercial ones, the former employee said. Unlike Google, however, the focus on selling products at Microsoft detracts from any attempt to publicize an interesting piece of experimental work.

"Marketing at Microsoft is mostly about sales," the former employee said. "And sales is largely about products. So if your product doesn't sell, it doesn't make it into marketing."

It hardly helps that Microsoft has very specific ideas about what a product is, the employee added, and that an innovation may never see the light of day if it doesn't fit into one of the company's existing offerings.

When asked how Microsoft's research priorities might change under Nadella's tenure, a company spokesperson declined to comment.

If the $10.4 billion Microsoft spends on research and development is as fantastic as the former employee says, Microsoft would have a prime opportunity to do what others in this space have also done: Build a consumer-facing brand that highlights Microsoft's technologies in virtually everything from ATMs to gas station terminals or that shows how Microsoft services are behind the next wave of other people's technological innovation. IBM's Smarter Cities Challenge is one example of a services company that stays in the public eye this way. So is General Electric's Ecoimagination project. If they can do it, why not Microsoft?

Yet history suggests this could be an uphill climb for Nadella. Ballmer struggled to build new consumer-facing businesses at Microsoft for more than a decade, with little to show for it. Nadella will have to decide whether to continue with that strategy or make a painful break and focus on areas where the software giant is a proven winner.


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#1400 Cyrano



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Inviato 10 febbraio 2014 - 19:31

Bing è la merda fatta motore di ricerca...

però gli altri due spero che li mantengano e ci investano...





Immagine inseritaFINCHE' C'E' BIRRA C'E' SPERANZA !!!
Ma anche un po' di gnocca non guasterebbe ogni tanto ...

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