[elliofaggata a caso] New XBOX May 21st 19:00
Posted 25 November 2013 - 17:05
Ryse a parte l'ottimo aspetto tecnico viene stroncato in tutte le recensioni.
Haters gonna hate
Don't try...
Posted 25 November 2013 - 17:29
Continuate ad hateare

Posted 25 November 2013 - 19:23
By Samit Sarkar on Nov 25, 2013 at 11:03a @SamitSarkar
Microsoft is seemingly issuing temporary bans to users of the Skype and Upload Studio apps on Xbox One who have used profanity, according to multiple reports on the Xbox One subreddit and on the Xbox forums.
Users are reporting that after uploading gameplay clips in which they swear through the Upload Studio app — or even swearing in a private Skype call, according to one Twitter user — their Xbox One prevents them from using the app in question with a message that asks them to "choose something else to play" because of their "past behavior" (see photo above).
At least a dozen Xbox Live users have posted in a thread on the Xbox forums saying they're dealing with the same issue. According to a number of them, they can upload footage of M-rated games that contain profanity, such as Battlefield 4, without any consequences.
"I made a video and said a bad word (not really a swear in my opinion, but I do understand their displeasure — the nickname of the name Richard) and now I am not able to put Kinect videos on my uploads or upload gameplay at all," said Reddit user MacedonianWolf, who noted that they were banned only from using the Upload Studio app and nothing else on the console.
MacedonianWolf explained in an update that they contacted a Microsoft representative and were told their Xbox Live account was in "good standing," that the Skype and Upload Studio apps seem to be suffering these issues and that the company was working to reverse the bans. In another update, the Reddit user said that the ban appeared to have been lifted after 24 hours.
Skype calls on Xbox One use the Kinect camera and microphone to transmit video and audio, while the Upload Studio app sends clips to the user's personal SkyDrive account. The Xbox Live Code of Conduct prohibits members from using "profane words/phrases" in their Gamertag, profile content, Avatar action, Avatar content or in-game content." However, profanity is not explicitly prohibited from content that Xbox Live users "share/create."
We're reaching out to Microsoft to ask about this, and will update this article with any information we receive.

Posted 25 November 2013 - 19:32
cioè al 95' ti fischiano contro rigore in FIFA 14 e non puoi tirare giù madonne se no ti bannano ?
no, srsly
Un ingegnere non saprebbe riprodursi nemmeno col manuale di istruzioni. Infatti rapiscono bambini e li educano come ingegneri pur di perpetuare questa infermità.
in God we trust, all others must bring data (cit.)
When Henry Ford made cheap, reliable cars people said, "Nah, what's wrong with a horse?" That was a huge bet he made, and it worked (Cit.)
Posted 25 November 2013 - 19:55

Posted 25 November 2013 - 20:19
La penosamente scarsa (o nulla in taluni casi) comprensione del testo scritto in lingua inglese presente in questo forum mi fa venire i brividi.
Posted 25 November 2013 - 20:20
La penosamente scarsa (o nulla in taluni casi) comprensione del testo scritto in lingua inglese presente in questo forum mi fa venire i brividi.
Intel Core i7 2600k @4.5Ghz 1.24v cooled by Mugen II - AsRock Z68 Ex3 Gen3 - 16Gb Corsair L.P White -Amd Radeon 6950 2Gb@1536SP -EnermaxPro82+ 525w & CM690- 4Tb Storage with 150Gb Raid0 & ForceGT 120Gb - Asus VE276Q 27''
Posted 25 November 2013 - 20:23
Users are reporting that after uploading gameplay clips in which they swear through the Upload Studio app — or even swearing in a private Skype call, according to one Twitter user —

Posted 25 November 2013 - 20:53
Not even 24 hours after the North American launch of the Xbox One Microsoft sent a press release stating that “Xbox One is now sold out at most retailers,” but that statement must not have included Toys”R”Us or Best Buy.
Just a walk across Times Square from the location of one of the console’s big launch events to the local Toys”R”Us store, which happens to be the biggest store of the retail chain in the world, and also a very well known shopping outlet, would have confirmed that there are still plenty Xboxes to be had, as discovered by our valiant reporter Al Zamora, that went on reconnaissance today.
Talking with a store employee at the Time Square Toys”R”Us store we a learned that they have “easily a few hundred” units left. You can check a couple pictures below.
But we discovered something even more surprising by walking two avenues further, to the Midtown Manhattan Best Buy store in 5th avenue. There we were told that there are still “a lot” of units left for sale. This doesn’t mean that the Xbox Didn’t sell well, though, as the store was allocated 1500 units, and they have more stored in a truck.
The surprising part? When Al walked to the gaming aisle he was greeted by the sight of several rows of the sleek black-boxed Day One edition Xbox One units, as you can see below.

Posted 25 November 2013 - 20:54
Posted 25 November 2013 - 22:23
Un ingegnere non saprebbe riprodursi nemmeno col manuale di istruzioni. Infatti rapiscono bambini e li educano come ingegneri pur di perpetuare questa infermità.
in God we trust, all others must bring data (cit.)
When Henry Ford made cheap, reliable cars people said, "Nah, what's wrong with a horse?" That was a huge bet he made, and it worked (Cit.)
Posted 25 November 2013 - 22:25

Posted 25 November 2013 - 22:30
Ma che vuol dire ridicola? Porco dio il dlc è semplicemente un ampliamento del parco auto del gioco. Non è che se compri un dlc con 10 auto poi queste te le ritrovi già nel garage della carriera
È sempre stato così.
dirty console peasant
se mi rincoglionissi e pagassi 10€ un DLC, i contenuti li voglio turnkey diostrepitoso
Un ingegnere non saprebbe riprodursi nemmeno col manuale di istruzioni. Infatti rapiscono bambini e li educano come ingegneri pur di perpetuare questa infermità.
in God we trust, all others must bring data (cit.)
When Henry Ford made cheap, reliable cars people said, "Nah, what's wrong with a horse?" That was a huge bet he made, and it worked (Cit.)
Posted 25 November 2013 - 23:20
dirty console peasant
se mi rincoglionissi e pagassi 10€ un DLC, i contenuti li voglio turnkey diostrepitoso
puoi sempre farmare 20 ore per prendere una macchina, o pagari soldi per acquistare crediti per sbloccare la macchina che hai pagato soldi per avere.

Posted 26 November 2013 - 07:59
puoi sempre farmare 20 ore per prendere una macchina, o pagari soldi per acquistare crediti per sbloccare la macchina che hai pagato soldi per avere.
guarda che si applica anche ai playstationari sta roba
almeno hanno avuto il buon gusto di pubblicare il titolo di corse chiave in versione fulldlc finita la fase cashcow.
se M$ pubblicasse forza 3 e 4 su PC fulldlc, mi farei la coda fuori per la versione boxata
forse non lo fanno perchè oggettivamente (dai filmati) forza 5 non mi sembra poi così diverso dal 4. ed un 4 fulldlc avrebbe 2 volte le auto del 5 - non ci farebbero una gran figura
Un ingegnere non saprebbe riprodursi nemmeno col manuale di istruzioni. Infatti rapiscono bambini e li educano come ingegneri pur di perpetuare questa infermità.
in God we trust, all others must bring data (cit.)
When Henry Ford made cheap, reliable cars people said, "Nah, what's wrong with a horse?" That was a huge bet he made, and it worked (Cit.)
Posted 26 November 2013 - 09:12
forse non lo fanno perchè oggettivamente (dai filmati) forza 5 non mi sembra poi così diverso dal 4
Ehi si, continua a guardare i filmati
Posted 26 November 2013 - 11:09
Cmq uno che gioca con me in team speak ha sia l'xbox one e tra un po' gli arriva anche la ps4, per ora ha detto che l'xbox è una figata con i comandi vocali, non sbaglia mai, neppure in game!
Edited by Pistus, 26 November 2013 - 11:09.
Sborrare e.t divertire
Posted 26 November 2013 - 11:11
Cmq uno che gioca con me in team speak ha sia l'xbox one e tra un po' gli arriva anche la ps4, per ora ha detto che l'xbox è una figata con i comandi vocali, non sbaglia mai, neppure in game!
fake dai, lo sanno tutti che xbox one fa schifo