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[elliofaggata a caso] New XBOX May 21st 19:00

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#3801 ilPitonti



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Inviato 12 giugno 2017 - 13:36

In coda per XOX in sostituzione a XOS

░░█░░░░██░░▀█▄▄▄█▄▄█▄████░​█ Problem?

#3802 SuperMario=ITA=


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Inviato 12 giugno 2017 - 14:49

ma anche no

smettila superscemo, non è una roba da ufficio

le uniche app utili sulla xbox sono quelle multimediali (kodi vlc plex etc)


Ma non dico da ufficio, ma in emergenza.


e si, per le cose multimediali concordo




si ovvio per i consolari intendo

TghXItr.gif - Amare la Formattazione è la Soluzione al 90% dei Problemi della Vita

#3803 G-DannY



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Inviato 13 giugno 2017 - 10:34

Fino a ieri... pleistescion più POTENTE, xbox fiappa cacca pupù

oggi... xbox più potente non serve a niente, zero esclusive, xbox cacca pupù

quando ragionando un minimo si può capire facilmente che la POTENZA in più non è sulle esclusive che fa la differenza (essendo appunto ESCLUSIVE, ossia a prescindere dalle prestazioni del sistema le puoi giocare solo lì) ma sui multiplat di terze parti, dove conta davvero per molti il frame in più o il pixel in più (che poi è la cosa su cui hanno gongolato di più i soldatini della plei negli ultimi anni)

e oggettivamente da adesso alla prossima PLEI, la console migliore dove giocare i giochi condivisi dalle due piattaforme sarà in ogni caso la XOX.

attendo ora fiducioso il mongolo che se ne esce che tutti i giochi xbox ora sono pure su PICCI MASTAH REIS

#3804 G-DannY



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Inviato 13 giugno 2017 - 10:48


Here’s a list of all games that we know are going to be 4K. From our understanding, the games mentioned below—barring any changes—will run at 3840 by 2160 pixels (4K UHD) on Xbox One X.

  1. Anthem
  2. Ashen
  3. Ark: Survival Evolved
  4. The Artful Escape
  5. Assassin’s Creed Origins
  6. Astroneer
  7. Battlerite
  8. Black Desert
  9. Brawlout
  10. Chess Ultra
  11. Conan Exiles
  12. Crackdown 3
  13. Dark and Light
  14. The Darwin Project
  15. Dead Rising 4
  16. Deep Rock Galactic
  17. Dishonored 2
  18. Dovetail Games Euro Fishing
  19. Doom
  20. Dragon Ball Fighter Z
  21. Dunk Lords
  22. The Elder Scrolls Online
  23. Everspace
  24. Fable Fortune
  25. Fallout 4
  26. Farming Simulator 17
  27. Final Fantasy XV
  28. For Honor
  29. Forza Horizon 3
  30. Forza Motorsport 7
  31. Gears of War 4
  32. Ghost Recon Wildlands
  33. Halo Wars 2
  34. Hello Neighbor
  35. Hitman
  36. Homefront: The Revolution
  37. Injustice 2
  38. Killer Instinct
  39. Killing Floor 2
  40. The Last Night
  41. Madden NFL 18
  42. Mantis Burn Racing
  43. Metro Exodus
  44. Middle-earth: Shadow of War
  45. Minecraft
  46. Minion Masters: Forced to Duel
  47. Need for Speed Payback
  48. Observer
  49. Ooblets
  50. Ori and the Will of the Wisps
  51. Osiris: New Dawn
  52. Outlast 2
  53. Paladins
  54. Path of Exile
  55. PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds
  56. Portal Knights
  57. Raiders of the Broken Planet
  58. ReCore
  59. Resident Evil 7
  60. Rime
  61. Riverbond
  62. Robocraft Infinity
  63. Rocket League
  64. Sea of Thieves
  65. Shift
  66. Skyrim: Special Edition
  67. Slime Rancher
  68. State of Decay 2
  69. Strange Brigade
  70. mi cago in mano e mi do uno schiaffio Lucky’s Tale
  71. Superhot
  72. Surviving Mars
  73. The Surge
  74. Titanfall 2
  75. Unruly Heroes
  76. Warhammer: Vermintide
  77. We Happy Few
  78. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
  79. World of Tanks

We would include games like Call of Duty: WWII, Code Vein, Destiny 2, Far Cry 5 and Star Wars: Battlefront II but the developers haven’t revealed details about the resolution. Given the fact that even a game like The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt can run at 4K on Xbox One X, Call of Duty: WWII, Destiny 2 and others should also run at 4K on the console.

Messaggio modificato da G-DannY il 13 giugno 2017 - 10:48

#3805 SuperMario=ITA=


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Inviato 13 giugno 2017 - 11:12

Minecraft in 4k :zortan:


Cmq legit, io davvero non capisco la gente che si lamenta delle esclusive. Anzi, mi farebbero girare il cazzo appunto perchè esclusive...falle disponibili per più sistemi ziocane così ci guadagni pure di più.


Non mi sembra che il pc mastah reiss abbia sofferto il fatto che non abbia esclusive :trollface:

TghXItr.gif - Amare la Formattazione è la Soluzione al 90% dei Problemi della Vita

#3806 balint



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Inviato 13 giugno 2017 - 11:24

basta comprare tutto e via

#3807 G-DannY



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Inviato 13 giugno 2017 - 13:34

#3808 G-DannY



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Inviato 13 giugno 2017 - 13:48

#3809 willy_revenge



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Inviato 18 giugno 2017 - 19:09




#3810 G-DannY



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Inviato 22 giugno 2017 - 09:13




#3811 entanglement



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Inviato 24 giugno 2017 - 14:21

Here’s a list of all games that we know are going to be 4K. From our understanding, the games mentioned below—barring any changes—will run at 3840 by 2160 pixels (4K UHD) on Xbox One X.

  • Anthem
  • Ashen
  • Ark: Survival Evolved
  • The Artful Escape
  • Assassin’s Creed Origins
  • Astroneer
  • Battlerite
  • Black Desert
  • Brawlout
  • Chess Ultra
  • Conan Exiles
  • Crackdown 3
  • Dark and Light
  • The Darwin Project
  • Dead Rising 4
  • Deep Rock Galactic
  • Dishonored 2
  • Dovetail Games Euro Fishing
  • Doom
  • Dragon Ball Fighter Z
  • Dunk Lords
  • The Elder Scrolls Online
  • Everspace
  • Fable Fortune
  • Fallout 4
  • Farming Simulator 17
  • Final Fantasy XV
  • For Honor
  • Forza Horizon 3
  • Forza Motorsport 7
  • Gears of War 4
  • Ghost Recon Wildlands
  • Halo Wars 2
  • Hello Neighbor
  • Hitman
  • Homefront: The Revolution
  • Injustice 2
  • Killer Instinct
  • Killing Floor 2
  • The Last Night
  • Madden NFL 18
  • Mantis Burn Racing
  • Metro Exodus
  • Middle-earth: Shadow of War
  • Minecraft
  • Minion Masters: Forced to Duel
  • Need for Speed Payback
  • Observer
  • Ooblets
  • Ori and the Will of the Wisps
  • Osiris: New Dawn
  • Outlast 2
  • Paladins
  • Path of Exile
  • PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds
  • Portal Knights
  • Raiders of the Broken Planet
  • ReCore
  • Resident Evil 7
  • Rime
  • Riverbond
  • Robocraft Infinity
  • Rocket League
  • Sea of Thieves
  • Shift
  • Skyrim: Special Edition
  • Slime Rancher
  • State of Decay 2
  • Strange Brigade
  • mi cago in mano e mi do uno schiaffio Lucky’s Tale
  • Superhot
  • Surviving Mars
  • The Surge
  • Titanfall 2
  • Unruly Heroes
  • Warhammer: Vermintide
  • We Happy Few
  • The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
  • World of Tanks

We would include games like Call of Duty: WWII, Code Vein, Destiny 2, Far Cry 5 and Star Wars: Battlefront II but the developers haven’t revealed details about the resolution. Given the fact that even a game like The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt can run at 4K on Xbox One X, Call of Duty: WWII, Destiny 2 and others should also run at 4K on the console.
bulletstorm full clip ?

Un ingegnere non saprebbe riprodursi nemmeno col manuale di istruzioni. Infatti rapiscono bambini e li educano come ingegneri pur di perpetuare questa infermità.


in God we trust, all others must bring data (cit.)

When Henry Ford made cheap, reliable cars people said, "Nah, what's wrong with a horse?" That was a huge bet he made, and it worked (Cit.)

#3812 G-DannY



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Inviato 31 luglio 2017 - 18:31

Titanfall 2 disponibile nella vault di EA Access 

Messaggio modificato da G-DannY il 31 luglio 2017 - 18:32

#3813 balint



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Inviato 11 agosto 2017 - 10:49

hey g-danny. per comprare una key di fifa 17 per xbox one come mi conviene fare? cosa devo guardare per non avere problemi con quelle acquistate su kinguin, g2a e simili?

Messaggio modificato da balint il 11 agosto 2017 - 10:51

#3814 balint



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Inviato 11 agosto 2017 - 10:55

cioè tipo questa:




dove sta l'inghippo? copie fisiche usate viaggiano sui 20€

Messaggio modificato da balint il 11 agosto 2017 - 11:00

#3815 G-DannY



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Inviato 11 agosto 2017 - 11:05

io ci ho sempre preso roba su cdkeys per one e mai avuto noie (giochi, gold, etc)


fondamentalmente se ti va male è perchè sei sfigato.


comunque se ti interessano FIFA e gli EA games in genere ti consiglio EA Access 25€ anno


also Battlefield 1 nao in EA Access

#3816 balint



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Inviato 11 agosto 2017 - 11:09

un amico ha da poco preso la one ma non ha giochi, ha prenotato pes 2018 ma nell'attesa voleva un gioco di calcio a poco prezzo, quindi spenderci 11€ avrebbe senso, l'ea access non credo gli interessi


allora vado con cdkeys

#3817 G-DannY



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Inviato 21 agosto 2017 - 11:14

pre-order done








Messaggio modificato da G-DannY il 21 agosto 2017 - 11:19

#3818 G-DannY



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Inviato 21 agosto 2017 - 19:30

sold out praticamente ovunque in neanche 24h

#3819 G-DannY



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Inviato 23 agosto 2017 - 17:49

Let's talk basics first - an on-site Square-Enix representative told us that talented Dutch developer Nixxes has handled the port on behalf of Crystal Dynamics. It's an interesting choice bearing in mind that Crystal produced the original Xbox One version. However, the benefits are obvious - Nixxes is responsible for the PC, Xbox 360, PS4 and PS4 Pro versions of the game, and this means that the X version runs with the enhancements made on the latest PS4 update. Case in point: Crystal never fixed the input lag issues on the original Xbox One release, while the X port retains the crisper right-stick control of the latest PS4 title update.
Just like the PS4 Pro game, there are three specific game modes you can swap between in real-time - all of them boasting considerable upgrades on Xbox One X. The checkerboard 4K mode on Pro is boosted to full, native ultra HD with a mostly consistent 30 frames per second. We spotted some slowdown when the screen is filled with rushing water as you negotiate one of the puzzles, but otherwise performance is solid - not a bad showing for alpha code. This is backed by higher resolution art assets and improved texture filtering - all of which in combination offers a distinct visual upgrade over the equivalent PS4 Pro mode.
The Pro's 'enriched' mode also makes an appearance on Xbox One X and seems to feature a very similar visual feature set, packing in more graphical upgrades ported over from the PC version. However, the big difference here is that it's presented as an alternative 4K mode, as opposed to PS4's 1080p presentation. It's not immediately clear how Nixxes has pulled this off, but there's a slight shimmering effect around edges in motion, and a curious vertical interlace-type effect when the game is paused, suggesting some kind of temporal reconstruction or checkerboarding technique (no claims are made for a native presentation here). Regardless, it's a really nice addition - there's a lot of controversy surrounding 'smart' upscaling techniques vs native resolution rendering. Rise of the Tomb Raider on Xbox One X offers users the ability to choose between razor-sharpness or a softer look, but with more visual features in place.
Rounding off the package of rendering modes is another port from PlayStation 4 Pro - the high frame-rate option. This drops back the quality to base PS4/Xbox One equivalent settings and unlocks performance, diverting the Scorpio Engine's power to raw throughput. Unfortunately, the demo doesn't include the Geothermal Valley - the ultimate stress test area for the title, and particularly stressful on CPU - but the entirety of the Prophet's Tomb level played back locked at 60 frames per second.
On top of that, there are further enhancements we've not seen on any other platform: Dolby Atmos spatial surround support is confirmed, along with HDR rendering. We actually saw HDR running on the PC version of the game way back in March 2016 at Nvidia's GTX 1080 launch (there's even a blog post from Nixxes about it), but for reasons unknown, the feature never made its way to users. With this in mind, we're hopeful that HDR support will roll out to all Rise of the Tomb Raider users, regardless of platform.
Of course Rise of the Tomb Raider is an older game, but it remains one of the most impressive third party games of this generation, and a highly demanding workout for a range of hardware when maxed out in its excellent PC incarnation. But perhaps by this point, the game has more of a reputation as a technical benchmark - and in this respect, this first hands-on suggests that Xbox One X will indeed deliver the best console version of a particularly challenging third-party title.

#3820 G-DannY



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Inviato 28 agosto 2017 - 10:10