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[Non sottovalutare la potenza di] Playstation 4

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#281 Sgobbone



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Posted 22 February 2013 - 00:50

il gioco di person of interest


dimmelo tu, cosa dovevo fare...
forse chissà, forse potrei cambiare...

#282 willy_revenge



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Posted 22 February 2013 - 07:43



#283 Thefrank0



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Posted 22 February 2013 - 07:51

...dove hai letto le spec?...


Va bene che dovrebbe essere il tuo l'onere di fornire le prove di quello che dici (castronerie), ma sta scritto pure nella press release :asd:




Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. Introduces PlayStation®4 (PS4™)

PS4's Powerful System Architecture, Social Integration and
Intelligent Personalization, Combined with PlayStation Network with
Cloud Technology, Delivers Breakthrough

Gaming Experiences and Completely New Ways to Play

NEW YORK, Feb. 20, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Sony Computer Entertainment
Inc. (SCEI) today introduced PlayStation®4 (PS4™), its next generation
computer entertainment system that redefines rich and immersive gameplay
with powerful graphics and speed, intelligent personalization, deeply
integrated social capabilities, and innovative second-screen features.
Combined with PlayStation®Network with cloud technology, PS4 offers an
expansive gaming ecosystem that is centered on gamers, enabling them to
play when, where and how they want. PS4 will be available this holiday

Gamer Focused, Developer Inspired
PS4 was
designed from the ground up to ensure that the very best games and the
most immersive experiences reach PlayStation gamers. PS4 accomplishes
this by enabling the greatest game developers in the world to unlock
their creativity and push the boundaries of play through a system that
is tuned specifically to their needs.
PS4 also fluidly connects
players to the larger world of experiences offered by PlayStation,
across the console and mobile spaces, and PlayStation® Network (PSN).

The PS4 system architecture is distinguished by its high performance
and ease of development. PS4 is centered around a powerful custom chip
that contains eight x86-64 cores and a state of the art graphics
The Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) has been enhanced in
a number of ways, principally to allow for easier use of the GPU for
general purpose computing (GPGPU) such as physics simulation. The GPU
contains a unified array of 18 compute units, which collectively
generate 1.84 Teraflops of processing power that can freely be applied
to graphics, simulation tasks, or some mixture of the two.

PS4 is
equipped with 8 GB of unified system memory, easing game creation and
increasing the richness of content achievable on the platform. GDDR5 is
used for this memory, giving the system 176 GB/second of bandwidth and
providing a further boost to graphics performance.
The end result
for gamers is new games with rich, high-fidelity graphics and deeply
immersive experiences that shatter expectations.

Shared Game Experiences

Social interaction is central to PS4 experiences, so new features
were built into the actual foundation of the system's hardware
architecture. PS4 provides dedicated, "always on" video compression and
decompression systems that enables seamless uploading of gameplay. For
the first time ever, gamers can share their epic triumphs with the press
of a button. Gamers simply hit the "SHARE button" on the controller,
scan through the last few minutes of gameplay, tag it and return to the
game-the video uploads as the gamer plays. Gamers can share their images
and videos to their friends on social networking services such as
PS4 also enhances social spectating by enabling gamers
to broadcast their gameplay in real-time to friends using live internet
streaming services such as Ustream. During live broadcasts, friends can
make comments on the streamed gameplay and, if a gamer gets stuck on a
challenging level, friends can also join the game in completely new
ways. For example, friends can offer health potions or special weapons
when a player needs them most during actual gameplay.
users can connect their Facebook account with Sony Entertainment
Network account. Through PS4, users are able to deepen their connections
through co-op play or "cross-game chat".

PS4 Second Screens

PS4 integrates second screens, including PlayStation®Vita (PS Vita),
smartphones and tablets, to wrap gamers in their favorite content
wherever they are. A key feature enabled by second screens is "Remote
Play" and PS4 fully unlocks its potential by making PS Vita the ultimate
companion device. With PS Vita, gamers will be able to seamlessly pull
PS4 titles from their living room TVs and play them on PS Vita's
beautiful 5-inch display and intuitive dual analog sticks over Wi-Fi
networks*1. It is SCEI's long-term vision is to make most PS4 titles
playable on PS Vita*2.
A new application from SCE called
"PlayStation®App" will enable iPhone, iPad, and AndroidTM based
smartphones and tablets*3 to become second screens. Once installed on
these devices, users can, for example, see maps on their second screens
when playing an adventure game, purchase PS4 games while away from home
and download it directly to the console at home, or remotely watch other
gamers playing on their devices.
Immediate Gameplay
radically reduces the lag time between players and their content. PS4
features "suspend mode" which keeps the system in a low power state
while preserving the game session. The time it takes today to boot a
console and load a saved game will be a thing of the past. With PS4,
gamers just hit the power button again and are promptly back playing the
game at the exact point where they left off. Additionally, users can
boot a variety of applications including a web browser when playing a
game on PS4.
PS4 also enables games to be downloaded or updated in
the background, or even in stand-by mode. The system takes it one step
further by making digital titles playable as they are being downloaded.
When a player purchases a game, PS4 downloads just a fraction of the
data so gamers can start playing immediately, and the rest is downloaded
in the background during actual gameplay.
Personalized, Curated Content

On the newly designed PS4 menu screen, players can look over
game-related information shared by friends, view friends' gameplay with
ease, or obtain information of recommended content, including games, TV
shows and movies. The long-term goal of PS4 is to reduce download times
of digital titles to zero: if the system knows enough about a player to
predict the next game they will purchase, then that game can be loaded
and ready to go before they even click the "buy" button. PS4 will
further enrich users' entertainment experiences, by meeting their
potential needs.
Gaming in the Cloud
Launched in November
2006, PlayStation Network, a network service for PlayStation users, now
operates in 67 countries and regions*4 around the world with the total
number of downloaded content of more than 2.8 billion*5. In addition to a
variety of games available in PlayStation®Store, PS4 users will be able
to enjoy a variety of services offered by PSN, such as Sony
Corporation's Music Unlimited, a cloud-based music subscription service
and Video Unlimited, a premium video service, as well as various content
distribution services.
By combining PlayStation Network with
Gaikai Inc's cloud technology, it is SCE's goal to make free exploration
possible for various games. In the future, when a gamer sees a title of
interest in PlayStation Store, they can immediately start playing a
portion of the actual game - not a stripped down version of the game.
With Gaikai and PlayStation Store, gamers will be able to experience
appealing games and only pay for the games they actually love.
PlayStation Network and the cloud will offer additional value to
PlayStation gamers. SCE is exploring unique opportunities enabled by
cloud technology with the long-term vision of making PlayStation
libraries including an incredible catalog of more than 3000 PS3 titles*6
that is unmatched in the industry, mostly ubiquitous on PS4.
will announce new details of PS4 and its robust lineup of games from 3rd
party developers and publishers, the independent gaming community and
SCE Worldwide Studios, as well as further enhancements to the entire
PlayStation ecosystem between now and the holiday 2013 launch.
Depending on network environment or titles, users may not be able to play games outside comfortably.
Exept games that require peripherals such as PlayStation®4 Eye ).
Depending on the version of OS or other conditions, users cannot use the application.
Number as of December 31st , 2012
Number as of February 19st , 2013
Number as of December 31st , 2012, including free trials.

Edited by Thefrank0, 22 February 2013 - 07:55.

#284 SilverFreak



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Posted 22 February 2013 - 18:10


#285 darkdroid



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Posted 22 February 2013 - 19:48

furbacchioni...il ps4 con l'esplosione eh

Avete cartongessato i maron glace' con Lost. Non è altro che il risultato di un superproteugenetor in versione Serial. Immaginate la scena di Pele in fuga per la vittoria. il suo punto di partenza sono le prime stagioni di lost, il goal è la stagione finale. tutti i giocatori avversari driblati sono le stagioni mandate a puttane.

#286 johancruijff


    Paccaro di Merda

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Posted 26 February 2013 - 14:43


Buoni profitti sony

Bisogna prenderci come siamo, gente rimasta di confine (a quale stato o nazione? O, forse, a quale tempo?), con una sola morale: il lavoro.



#287 rgart


    Troia Succhiacazzi Transessuale

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Posted 26 February 2013 - 15:04

Gt6 uscirà per ps3


A piece of advice:
/b/ : /b/ros = /ds/ : retar/ds/


#288 Killer application

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Posted 26 February 2013 - 15:54

addirittura la filigrana nel cd?


ma non basta una product key legata ad un account xboxlive? Xboxlive free per legare i giochi alla console e obbligo di connessione always on. Come con steam.


Però poi vogliamo i saldi pazzi alla steam, o la possibilità di girare le key come usato. Altrimenti tutti vanno sulla ps4 e byebye MS.

Immagine inserita

#289 Thefrank0



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Posted 26 February 2013 - 16:24


Buoni profitti sony


Ign italia :lnrg:

#290 johancruijff


    Paccaro di Merda

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Posted 26 February 2013 - 16:27

Ign italia :lnrg:

Non va bene? :okay:

Bisogna prenderci come siamo, gente rimasta di confine (a quale stato o nazione? O, forse, a quale tempo?), con una sola morale: il lavoro.



#291 Thefrank0



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Posted 26 February 2013 - 16:30

Non va bene? :okay:


No, beh, sono sorpreso che esista, considerato che ign en è una merda :asd:

#292 johancruijff


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Posted 26 February 2013 - 16:31

No, beh, sono sorpreso che esista, considerato che ign en è una merda :asd:

Esiste da 4/5 mesi :sisi:

Bisogna prenderci come siamo, gente rimasta di confine (a quale stato o nazione? O, forse, a quale tempo?), con una sola morale: il lavoro.



#293 Sgobbone



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Posted 26 February 2013 - 16:37

No, beh, sono sorpreso che esista, considerato che ign en è una merda :asd:


qui c'è gorman per lo mezzo


dimmelo tu, cosa dovevo fare...
forse chissà, forse potrei cambiare...

#294 LaK-o-OnE



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Posted 26 February 2013 - 16:41

Il buon vecchio gorman :sisi:

#295 Xile


    Grullino di merda che guarda il GF. Mi manca solo essere frocio.

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Posted 26 February 2013 - 19:43

Su eurogamer c'é l'ex direttore di TGM

Vota per il nucolare https://www.azione.it/nucleare/

#296 darkdroid



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Posted 26 February 2013 - 19:47

il galla? o max? o il silvestri?
Avete cartongessato i maron glace' con Lost. Non è altro che il risultato di un superproteugenetor in versione Serial. Immaginate la scena di Pele in fuga per la vittoria. il suo punto di partenza sono le prime stagioni di lost, il goal è la stagione finale. tutti i giocatori avversari driblati sono le stagioni mandate a puttane.

#297 Xile


    Grullino di merda che guarda il GF. Mi manca solo essere frocio.

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Posted 26 February 2013 - 19:57

il galla? o max? o il silvestri?


Silvestri, è il direttore anche lì...non che fine abbiano fatto gli altri

Vota per il nucolare https://www.azione.it/nucleare/

#298 CoreDumb



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Posted 28 February 2013 - 12:30




Credo che la mela si sia spenta non solo sul retro dei nuovi mbp.....

"Romano 5 stelle analfabeta funzionale starter pack" B)

#299 entanglement



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Posted 28 February 2013 - 19:53




mp3 only :sisi:

Un ingegnere non saprebbe riprodursi nemmeno col manuale di istruzioni. Infatti rapiscono bambini e li educano come ingegneri pur di perpetuare questa infermità.


in God we trust, all others must bring data (cit.)

When Henry Ford made cheap, reliable cars people said, "Nah, what's wrong with a horse?" That was a huge bet he made, and it worked (Cit.)

#300 Futura12



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Posted 28 February 2013 - 19:54

fotte un cazzo dei cd..

Intel Core i7 2600k @4.5Ghz 1.24v cooled by Mugen II - AsRock Z68 Ex3 Gen3 - 16Gb Corsair L.P White  -Amd Radeon 6950 2Gb@1536SP -EnermaxPro82+ 525w & CM690- 4Tb Storage with 150Gb Raid0 & ForceGT 120Gb - Asus VE276Q 27''