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Diablo III

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#621 lowenz



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Posted 15 May 2012 - 16:49

Prima patch :o


E' un complotto ->

#622 PhilSuperjoint



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Posted 15 May 2012 - 16:50

Prima patch :o


Ovvio, milioni di betatester che ieri hanno comprato il gioco stanno lavorando duramente :wink:

I'm a man too brave to follow history...

#623 Sgobbone



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Posted 15 May 2012 - 17:01

vai alla grande phil. :wink:


dimmelo tu, cosa dovevo fare...
forse chissà, forse potrei cambiare...

#624 Dexter Troy

Dexter Troy

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Posted 15 May 2012 - 17:06


Quanto fa sborone la firma "colta"?
Quanto ci sto dentro citando Plauto?

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#625 lowenz



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Posted 15 May 2012 - 17:08

A huge disappointment, and an unworthy sequel. - Charater customization was so confusing, so they removed it (no more skill points to distribute, no more attribute points to distribute, skills unlock automatically as you level up) - Legalized gold selling, pay-to-win auction houses - Scripted scenes EVERYWHERE 0Bland, one dimensional, WoW inspired skills -World PvP removed and the only PvP options is a WoW-clone arena (REMOVED TILL LATER, LOL) -Voice acting is HORIBBLE compared to D2 -Timed log-outs in a game which its gameplay is based on being fast-paced (even on hardcore mode) -FREQUENT CHECKPOINTS that revive you from where you are left off (how much more casual can they make a diablo game I wonder) -region lock, DRM that requires you to be constanly online -blizzard 'promising' not to put any items in the RMAH Gee, I **** wonder what's gonna happen -LEVEL 60 CAP Surely to be raised to 70,80,90 and so on with yearly expansions that consists of cut content for only another $60!


E' un complotto ->

#626 Guest_ally_*

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Posted 15 May 2012 - 17:10




#627 eglio



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Posted 15 May 2012 - 17:11

holy pussyfication batman

Un giorno qualcuno mi spegherà perchè dire la verità che i russi sono più forti, stanno vincendo e vinceranno la guerra, vuol dire anche essere filorussi

ciò che afferma Putin, drammaticamente, corrisponde a una verità più imparentata con la realtà e la logica.

#628 Sgobbone



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Posted 15 May 2012 - 17:15

sembra proprio che con l'uscita di questo diablo III blizzard subirà un crollo...
goodbye sweet blizzard. :okay:


dimmelo tu, cosa dovevo fare...
forse chissà, forse potrei cambiare...

#629 toyo


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Posted 15 May 2012 - 17:15

l'han finito in 2 ore :lol:


Mai più giorni felici

#630 Kharonte85



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Posted 15 May 2012 - 17:21



I voti più frequenti sono 0 e 10 :lol:

#631 lowenz



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Posted 15 May 2012 - 17:26

In B4 "Metacritic si svela in tutta la sua inaffidabilità democratoide" :trollface:

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#632 Kharonte85



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Posted 15 May 2012 - 17:27

Peccato che i modelli rimangano cartoonish :asd:
Quindi la palette alternativa è solo un placebo (anche se potente per alcuni).

Però la differenza sul gioco è notevole, anche i modelli ne guadagnano un po' in relismo.


E pare che blizzard la tolleri (per ora).

Prima di sapere l'esistenza della mod non lo volevo prendere, ora ci sto pensando.

La scelta "pucciosa" per me è incomprensibile, ma evidentemente alla Blizzard hanno pensato e calcolato che un Diablo così avrebbe venduto più copie :boh:

#633 lowenz



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Posted 15 May 2012 - 17:30

La cosa LOL è che Blizzard sa della cosa da 4 anni.....in 4 anni potevano dedicare 1/2 ore di lavoro a scrivere un filtrino per la tonalità di colore :v
Facciamo anche UN GIORNO di lavoro dai, per testare un po' di preset :asd:

IF YOU ARE CASUAL THEN DON'T READ. BUT IF YOU ARE A D2 RIDE OR DIE CRIP, READ THIS! -No character customization, no more attribute points to distribute, which would easily make the game a little deeper. And skills unlock automatically as you level you. -Legalized gold selling as well as what looks to be a pay-to-win auction house and the auction house will support character selling. -You get kicked out of your own single player game for being AFK. And your logouts are also timed for single player. -World PvP removed and the only PvP options are some sort of WoW-Clone arena. And that will not even release on Day 1. -If you care about Voice Acting, it's terrible compared to D2. -Check points that revive you from exactly where you left off. -Region lock. DRM that requires you to always be online. -If expansions bother you, you can expect D3 to take the WoW road. -Graphics look like re-done WoW graphics and with them maxed out, this game could of been relased along side WoW back in 04. This is 2012 man... -More than half the screen glows red when you are low on health. -Fixed class specific gear that looks EXACTLY like the ones in WoW but not only is that a problem, that means when they finally release the PvP you are going to be fighting people looking exactly like you. No uniqueness what so ever. BUT I HAVE ONLY SCRATCHED THE SURFACE SADLY...


E' un complotto ->

#634 norreno



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Posted 15 May 2012 - 17:33

DRM that requires you to always be online


A kiss was placed / upon my cheek / then all color came back / melting in solid blue tune

~ ..the true memory she left me with is a key to the wine of melancholy... ~ last.fm

Melancholy² ~ Hurry up ~ goodbye ~ ... ~ Nostalgia ~ Broken Birdie Records ~ let's stop the time ~ sleep still ~ happy forever alone ~ my way out ~ springtime



#635 Sgobbone



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Posted 15 May 2012 - 17:40

european servers down. :lol:
delizioso. :megusta:


dimmelo tu, cosa dovevo fare...
forse chissà, forse potrei cambiare...

#636 Dexter Troy

Dexter Troy

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Posted 15 May 2012 - 17:47

Vabbè, comunque i bimbiminkia fedeli non si scoraggino: ci sono sempre i vari DISINTERESSATISSIMI :lolshit: critici di Gamespot, IGN, ecc... che lo elogieranno a scatola chiusa con il solito trattamento preferenziale Beteshda-Bioware-Blizzard.
Ma si può o no comprare in stile Sacred la cavalcatura? E posso avere un puccioso unicorno rosa? :wub:
Quanto fa sborone la firma "colta"?
Quanto ci sto dentro citando Plauto?

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#637 Kharonte85



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Posted 15 May 2012 - 17:48

Il DRM e l'assenza dei punti da assegnare è dura da digerire, fa quasi venire voglia di aspettare la "versione offline" :trollface:

#638 norreno



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Posted 15 May 2012 - 17:49

E posso avere un puccioso unicorno rosa? :wub:

Unicorno rosa? Guardati in giro, ne trovi quanti ne vuoi (però non sono troppo morbidi) :v

A kiss was placed / upon my cheek / then all color came back / melting in solid blue tune

~ ..the true memory she left me with is a key to the wine of melancholy... ~ last.fm

Melancholy² ~ Hurry up ~ goodbye ~ ... ~ Nostalgia ~ Broken Birdie Records ~ let's stop the time ~ sleep still ~ happy forever alone ~ my way out ~ springtime



#639 norreno



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Posted 15 May 2012 - 17:49

Il DRM e l'assenza dei punti da assegnare è dura da digerire, fa quasi venire voglia di aspettare la "versione offline" :trollface:


A kiss was placed / upon my cheek / then all color came back / melting in solid blue tune

~ ..the true memory she left me with is a key to the wine of melancholy... ~ last.fm

Melancholy² ~ Hurry up ~ goodbye ~ ... ~ Nostalgia ~ Broken Birdie Records ~ let's stop the time ~ sleep still ~ happy forever alone ~ my way out ~ springtime



#640 Dexter Troy

Dexter Troy

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Posted 15 May 2012 - 17:54


Divertitevi, anzi ENJOY YOURSELF! :sisisi:
Quanto fa sborone la firma "colta"?
Quanto ci sto dentro citando Plauto?

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