uno sviluppatore annuncia che sta per uscire una patch dove correggono input lag (sperem) e ffb su alcuni volanti (scommetto che col mio non cambia un cazzo).
O è una patch o è un dlc (

speriamo che fixino.
Posted 27 April 2011 - 09:36
Posted 27 April 2011 - 09:48
(scommetto che col mio non cambia un cazzo).
dimmelo tu, cosa dovevo fare...
forse chissà, forse potrei cambiare...
Posted 27 April 2011 - 09:52
Posted 27 April 2011 - 10:31
Posted 27 April 2011 - 10:39
Posted 27 April 2011 - 10:44
Posted 27 April 2011 - 10:54
Mi chiedo se la versione per consolle sia uguale, avessi speso 69€ per prenderlo per xbox e mi fossi ritrovato sto gioco sarei andato direttamente alla ea a prenderli a calci nel culo
Posted 27 April 2011 - 10:57
Posted 02 May 2011 - 11:55
-Common - Online - Catch Up Events - All users are prompted with the same message at the start of a catchup pack/catchup duel event
-Cars - Car wheels intersect or float in the air when the player uses wheels with a different diameter to the AI;
-Online – Catch Up Modes – Once in-game there is no onscreen objective based message for either the fast car or the slower car/pack;
-VIP Rewards - SHIFT1 PC does not write the entitlement that SHIFT2 looks for correctly;
-Online Modes - The host's car is not visible to at least one of the clients in an online lobby;
-Online - Players cars are occasionally crashing during rolling starts before the player takes control;
-Screen Transition - Autolog - Players can momentarily get stuck within autolog when launching an event via the speedwall;
-Front end - Loading screen - Speedwall - First lap of event sometimes not being recorded by total time resulting in unobtainable World and Regional times;
-Cars/tracks – Visually, the steering wheel when racing in cockpit views appears overly sensitive at the beginning of the turning circle;
-Online - lobby timer - Lobby timer is not appearing to reset back to 1:45 for the client players after a host migration takes place. The new host does see the timer reset;
-Autolog - Speedwall - Erroneous speedwall times - Times can be set within and event which are unrealistic and unfeasible to acquire;
-Tracks - Drift - The last corner on Miami Park Drift track now gives more drift points;
-Career - Drift – AI opponent scores are very hard to beat on Miami Park Drift in the last event in Drift Championship;
-Camera initialization bug - Certain player views do not initialize correctly at race start;
-Physics & Handling - Input lag/delay present on steering wheels;
-Cars - McLaren MP4-12C - The Modern A Invitational event cannot be completed with Full Damage settings due to engine blowout;
-Online - If a client joins a lobby at the 00:10 mark, he will be stuck in a technical hang in the lobby and the other players will be stuck in a loading screen technical hang;
-Cars - Team Need for Speed Mazda RX-8 - The game can remain in a tech hang in the loading screen of events/races when the Team NFS Mazda RX-8 car is used;
-Common - Online – Catch Up Modes – Once in-game there is no onscreen objective based message for either the fast car or the slower car/pack;
-VIP - NFS Undercover VIP not awarded when playing shift 2;
-Retail Only - Players stuck on a black screen at the start of offline events;
-Photo Mode - Tech hang seen when taking photos in certain resolutions;
-VIP - Hot Pursuit LE writes a different entitlement to SE, thus will not be picked up by Shift 2 VIP;
Posted 02 May 2011 - 14:36
Posted 03 May 2011 - 21:28
Posted 03 May 2011 - 21:58
Bisogna prenderci come siamo, gente rimasta di confine (a quale stato o nazione? O, forse, a quale tempo?), con una sola morale: il lavoro.
Posted 03 May 2011 - 22:12
Ho quasi finito la Gt3 quindi direi che non c'é
P.S. il drift porta un fracco di soldi, fortunatamente il mio coinquilino è dannatamente bravo a farlo
Posted 09 May 2011 - 09:06
Sborrare e.t divertire
Posted 09 May 2011 - 09:48
Posted 10 May 2011 - 09:58
l'input lag praticamente sparisce disabilitando il vsync nelle opzioni video
ora ho qualche linea sullo schermo ogni tanto, ma l'esperienza di guida è notevolmente migliorata
Sborrare e.t divertire
Posted 10 May 2011 - 10:01
Posted 10 May 2011 - 10:04
dimmelo tu, cosa dovevo fare...
forse chissà, forse potrei cambiare...
Posted 10 May 2011 - 10:11
Posted 10 May 2011 - 10:22
avete abilitato il triple buffering col vsync attivato?
La patch è abbastanza convincente da reinstallarlo o aspetto la seconda?